
Getting my first novel edited here was invaluable and painless. The video chats and documents I received made it clear to me how valuable an unbiased and knowledgeable set of eyes on my project was. It showed me things I had missed or just didn't know about my book and writing in general, and confirmed and clarified problems I had suspected, but didn't know how to deal with. What I got from it allowed me to make a plan of action and take my novel to the next level. Aside from that, chatting with Gary was pleasant and informative. I highly recommend them!

Lara Robertson

Bubblecow helped me with copy editing my novel, A Very Civil Wedding. The process was simple and the results comprehensive. The copy edit was delivered on time as promised. It gave me confidence that my novel was heading in the direction I wanted it to go and encouraged me to amend parts of it that were not working quite so well. I would have no hesitation in using their service again.

V T Davy

I appreciated Gary’s developmental edit. He pointed out quirks in my writing that I didn’t know I had, and he improved my pacing substantially. I had never worked with an editor before until Bubblecow, and I found the experience to be professional and quick. Definitely worth the money.

Michael La Ronn

As this is my first book the edit was extremely useful. It gave me valuable technical advice, confirmed some of my own doubts about weaker points in the story and suggested ways to improve them. The comments were constructive at all times and I found it very encouraging. Thank you Caroline!

Rebecca Lewis

The price seemed reasonable so I thought, Why not give them a try? I sent in the first book of my non-fiction series. The copy edit was great, catching much that many readers missed. And the suggestions to make the text clearer were spot on. I will count on BubbleCow for any ebook I want to publish from now on.

Mark Alexander

I’ve finished my first review of the edited book and have taken a couple of days for it to sink in. A re-read of the Editor’s Report is a daily event. I have wondered about the contribution an editor actually provides when I’ve read the effusive tribute in the ‘acknowledgement’ section of a novel. Now I know.

The level of detail is truly remarkable. I’ve read about and studied the techniques that you disclose. They didn’t hit home until you applied them to my work. Makes sense. When one reads about how to write they’re being ‘told’; through editing they’re being ‘shown’. I now detect these principles in novels I’m reading. Before I didn’t.

Thank you for breathing life into what was more outline than novel. I plan to continue to review the edited manuscript until I’m confident in following the guidance provided. What has been a lonely journey now benefits from new purpose, confidence, and direction. Your contribution will prove invaluable.

Mike Mahar

The critique element of the report was invaluable. It brought clarification and insight as to what was needed to improve the book.

At the time you know you are doing the right thing buying an editors report - afterwards you realise how many doors open up for your book knowing it was edited professionally. The benefits of being able to put the name of a professional editing company on your copyright page should not be underestimated in the ability to open distributions outlets.

C R Harris

The whole process was a wonderful experience for me. I was apprehensive about leaving my ‘baby’ in the hands of another person, but my fears were immediately put to bed when I saw how much work had gone into the edit and the accompanying report.

The editorial recommendations pulled no punches, but after implementing them, they truly transformed my book into a far better read. The editor’s report is far more than an added bonus. It highlighted the positives and negatives, while also backing up the insight with thoughtful explanations as to why the adjustments were important to the reader.

The editor gave me the confidence to pursue my dream and armed me with tips & techniques to improve my writing as a whole.

Saying it was worth the money would be an understatement. Thanks BubbleCow!

Jakk Fitton

There is no one aspect. Many cogent comments and insights were given from the reader’s point of view. This is just what I had been needing for many years. The service is invaluable and very professionally done. All editorial notes were honest and to the point. I would recommend this service to anyone.

Steve Rose

All feedback was positive and constructive. They really encouraged me to continue writing and understood why I was saying what I was.

Alexander Scott

This is my first attempt at writing a book. It is a bit different than writing papers for school so i sought out someone who was a professional, does this for a living. I wanted my first publishing to be as professional as possible.

After reading through the numerous corrections, it helped me identify where my flaws were and how to proceed with my next book.

Jeff Bogner

The copy editors at Bubblecow went out of their way to ensure that the material in my book was well organized and properly presented. I cannot commend their skill, support, and dedication highly enough.

Gary Rawnsley

The line edit was valuable. I’d spent more than two month’s rewriting and self-editing my book prior to submitting it to BubbleCow. This and the fact that it’s quite a short nonfiction e-book (around 11600 words), made me doubtful that much, if anything, could be done to improve it further. But I was pleasantly surprised. The editor’s corrections, especially the deletions, helped to sharpen the message and improve the flow. The decisiveness with which the corrections were made showed that the edit had been done by an experienced professional. The work was completed 4 days ahead of schedule. I was very happy with the service. Thank You.

Joe Cain

These guys were great. Gary and Fred are pros. I have a much better book due to their insight. Do not be intimidated by their comments. They are there to help and you will not be disappointed.

John McHenry

This is the first novel I have had professionally edited and I was nervous of sending in my manuscript, wondering what kind of response I would receive. My fears vanished, however, when I found Bubblecow to be so supportive. I felt that they were on my side. They communicated the process well so that I was kept informed of every step. Their emails were detailed, outlining the time-frame, and I received the edit exactly when they said I would. Also, I appreciated the advice on how to approach the finished edit, to decrease the shock of the criticism and gain the most benefit from the comments. In the event, there was no shock, just delight at reading so many positive comments and a great deal of constructive, insightful suggestions. Thank you Caroline. I can now look at my novel more objectively and I have already started to think of ideas to improve the overall plot as well as the smaller changes that were suggested. I would highly recommend Bubblecow and have another novel lined up to send them. There’ll be no nerves this time. Thanks again.

Jax Burrows

Bubble Cow made my book better, period. They saw things I missed, gently pointed out inconsistencies in character and plot. They had a feel for the pace of the book and offered suggestions on how to improve it. I especially appreciated Bubble Cow highlighting certain scenes as being pivotal and deserving of more emphasis. Bubble Cow knows what they are doing … and they help you know too.

Aimer Boyz

The edits came out great! It’s equal in quality to what I would expect from an editor at a big publishing house. My second novel is in the works, and I’ll be coming back for more!

Garrett Butler

Thanks Bubble Cow for helping me iron out my timeline. I’ve been able to make it so much simpler – and better. Thanks again!

Patricia Grant

I found working with Gary at Bubblecow a very pleasurable experience. He quickly got into my book, edited the manuscript sensitively and made some helpful suggestions. Can't recommend them highly enough.

Martin Fone

I was really pleased with the professional way my book was handled by BubbleCow. As they promised, I received my edit within 28 days, and while I was waiting I also received very useful information about how to deal with the edit and the report when my manuscript was returned. The edit was extremely helpful to me, flagging up areas that needed extra work or in some cases just a little tweaking. I would have no hesitation in recommending BubbleCow. I will certainly be using them for the next book in the series.

M. T. M. Driscoll

A good job from Bubblecow. The edit was clear and comprehensive and I was able to log in to an account to track my work – I’d recommend them.

Andrew Chamberlain

There is one word that springs to mind when scouring the internet looking for an editor: Trust. Who can I trust? This is your baby after all, and now you're about to hand it to a total stranger. Scary, scary indeed. My experience with BubbleCow went like this. 1. Was recommended to check BubbleCow through a trusted homepage. 2. Sent in a sample for a sample edit. (This was on Saturday). 3. Received the edited sample back on Monday. (Was very pleased with the result). 4. Sent in my whole manuscript. 5. Gary replied the same day and we did the transaction, with other words I paid for the service. 6. Gary updated me on the things to come and went to work. 7. Around 28 business day later (that's Monday to Friday), I received the edited sample. The verdict? Not only was the feedback and edit clean and honest, but it highlighted certain aspect of my novel I'd “pushed” away, or ignored, because I wasn't sure how to tackle them then. Gary pointed out the flaws and showed me how to fix them, and from there it was all fun and games. Highly recommended. Leave your fears aside. This went very well. Thanks Gary. Thanks BubbleCow!

John Murdock

I have found the editing a lot of work but so rewarding. I am grateful for the honest feedback I received, I learnt a great deal about good and bad writing; and hope the rewrite of my novel reflects this.

Kerrie Noor

What amazing experience. Sure my manuscript was 110% improved and ready for publishing, but what really impressed me was the process. Most of the questions I had were answered before I had an opportunity to ask them, and the prompt response to any questions I did have put my mind at ease from the very beginning. Thank you so very much.

Luis Cruz

While looking for an editor online to edit my novel, Rise Of The Nephilim: Fire And Blood, I was very apprehensive because I was not sure if they could be trusted. However, after taking a look at BubbleCow, something clicked, and I decided to give them a go. So far, I’m glad I did because even before the edit was complete–within the time frame promised–I received some very helpful tips and book recommendations related to helping me become a better writer. After receiving the completed edit, I found that they were very thorough, and it was evident that the editor had actual read the entire book. Now I feel as though I can trust them and place future work with them.

Nj Paige

This was far the best and easiest editing process that I have been through. Gary’s editing took my book to the next level and the line edit and his report were invaluable. Julia’s copy edit was detailed and polished the whole manuscript. I am delighted with the outcome and I will definitely use Bubblecow to edit my next novel. Highly recommended.

Sl Beaumont

This is my first book, and I am now over two thirds through my post editorial re-write. Some questions I asked myself for this testimonial: Was the Editor's report a shock? – Yes it was, but it came with all the help I needed. Did it do what it say's on the website? – Yes it did. No ambiguity, a clear report and the book back with the changes in “track changes” — just as it says on the tin! Was it good value for money? A definite yes. I am surprised as the detail and work done for the cost. Did I learn from the process? Yes, I did and it will be reflected in book 2. Did I accept all the editorial comments? No. I accepted most, and the way Bubble Cow structure the edit allows the writer to keep control of the book. Would I return to Bubble Cow? Yes. After my re-write, I’ll be back for a proof read. Thank you Bubble Cow.

Lionel Lazarus

I couldn’t have picked more professional editors to work with, especially considering this will be my first time publishing a book. I would recommend Bubblecow to anyone and was impressed by the suggestions and feedback to improve my novel. When I look back at my original manuscript, I cannot believe it’s the same one I have today. I am really glad I went through Bubblecow to improve the structure, overall plot, and just the general flow of writing. I hope to get the opportunity to work together on my next book!

Janee Butterfield

Prior to opting for Bubblecow, I did a lot of shopping around for editorial services. I liked the fact that the website made it very clear what I would be getting for my money – especially important as Imperfect was my first baby (aka the MS of my debut novel). Caroline was critical but constructively so. Just as importantly, where she thought that something worked, she told me so – so important for a newbie author like me! Her comments and questions caused many a light bulb moment to flash in my head as I looked at my MS and thought “yes, of course, I see what she means”. Working my way through the edits, I know that Imperfect will be a better book for Caroline’s editing. Oh, last but not least, the inclusion of a pre-made cover is a great inducement!o marketing…

Ae Ryecart

Having used Bubblecow on several of my books to date; I have found the entire team super supportive, efficient and genuine in all aspects of the editing process. The thing that really was satisfying for me, however, was their flexible and close customer-client experience. For writers, who are now starting out; it is a huge plus to work with experienced editors who aim to guide and help you every step of the way. By offering free resources for helping you to become a better writer, for example, or occasional useful emails regarding all aspects of the self-publishing and writing experience; Bubblecow offers valuable support in helping you to develop your skills further as a writer.

L.S. Bergman

I have just published my book, the Expat Partner’s Survival Guide, and am really happy with it. Sometimes it’s hard to see the wood for the trees when you have been working on something for so long, but I felt that Gary really saw what was missing and helped me mould the book into a much more readable and user-friendly format. He was always approachable and responded quickly to any query. Overall though, the most important thing he did was to give me confidence – this is the first book I have written and I was terrified it would be awful. Thank you Gary for saying you loved it, and thank you to all the team at Bubblecow for helping me get this far! Now, back to marketing…

Clara Wiggins

The most professional and personal editing service I ever used. I had the real feeling of “being read”, not just edited. To date, definitively the best cost/benefit ratio in book editing.

David Papini

One of the most important tasks a self-published author has to perform is to get as many different pairs of eyes on his work before publishing for the readers. The first valuable person you need in your corner is an editor. You write the best story you can, and need the Editor to polish and smooth out the story that you actually want out there. I looked around for a while before finding Bubblecow. They are professional, thorough and send your book back with honest and insightful changes. Your digital manuscript is returned with tracked changes and an invaluable editorial report. I cannot stress enough how much I have learnt from their corrections and feedback.

Wayne Marinovich

I would never publish a book without the help of BubbleCow. The process they use works well and they explain their changes in a manuscript. They’re very thorough and they even include their overall opinion of the book. They’ve also pointed out plot holes that I hadn’t noticed were there, and helped me to fix them. Without them, the publishing process would be a lot more difficult for me.

August Verona

I was very impressed with the whole process. I was responded to very quickly. I was taken seriously. I even received my manuscript with editor notes back in a very reasonable time! The best part was when I opened my edited manuscript. It was like the editor knew exactly what I wanted! I was really impressed with her work. Not only did she help me clarify my story in places I had gotten my own words mixed up, but she helped with my time lines and to improve my words. It was like she was in my head! It was amazing! I will INDEED be using bubble cow again and again.

Manda Lynn

In addition to spell and style checking, I received some useful suggestions about the content. Somebody even did some research and corrected some of my statements. Most of the corrections were useful; in some case I chose to retain the old version. Some of the corrections indicated I did not make myself clear. It made me rewrite some sections.

Adam Brostow

Thanks for a very thorough edit of my novel. Your comments have certainly helped me rethink weaker areas of the story and sharpened both grammar and prose.

Phil Gaskell

I would like to thank you and the editor that worked on my manuscript. I was impressed by the thoroughness and detail of the edit. The editor's report was very professionally detailed and was specific. It was also straight forward and easy to understand. The reports came back in a timely manner and I am impressed with BubbleCow. I want to thank you and the editor again.

Aaron Fleming

The advice on cutting out back story from the narrative of my crime novel, A Fair Wack, and delivering it via action and dialogue, ie show don't tell was priceless advice. It shakes you out of your laziness and makes you really think about how you can do it. You can't be too obvious – it's got to be done deftly. In my case it meant using the dialogue between characters. This also meant that I could emphasise the relationship between the characters to the reader. This was the bit of advice that was really helpful – though it was a bit horrifying to find page after page highlighted with the dreaded comment Back Story!

Pete Trewin

I really appreciated Caroline's feedback. She was very supportive and encouraging, and really helped me see which key moments I hadn't dug into deep enough, pointed out some definite logic flaws and showed me where to break up chapters to really give the book a proper flow. It was a great experience, and It's a far better book for her help. I'll definitely be using BubbleCow again for my future manuscripts.

Ceinwen Langley

I have just finished going through all of the edits and the comments. As you know, I was hesitant and anxious about editing my novel, especially since my last experience was less than the best. After having gone through everything, I am blown away. Please please thank Denise for me. She was thorough and considerate in her edits (I love that she wrote comments explaining certain changes!) and pinpointed specific characteristics about my writing style that I did not know about (repetitive words, etc.). In addition, I found her comments on the actual story immensely helpful! She asked wonderful questions that I, as the author, did not realize needed to be answered or elaborated on. This was exactly what the manuscript needed. Thank you so very much for all of your help during the decision making progress and a big thank you to Denise for doing such an amazing job. I feel so proud now to make the novel available for sale once more.

Kat Slifer

Bubblecow edited my third serious novel, Shemlan – A Deadly Tragedy. Apart from a good clean edit of the MS and an amount of clear, relevant and useful advice and insight on how to polish a number of scenes in the book, the edit came back with a pretty brave but most definite piece of advice. The book was constructed around a present day narrative with flashbacks to the protagonist's time in Beirut back in 1978 and his subsequent life as a diplomat in the Middle East. These were interwoven with the main story, which details how he returns to Beirut in the present day, dying of cancer, to rediscover the love he lost when he left back in the seventies. His past catches up with him so quickly and with such violence it threatens to kill him before the disease does. Kill the flashbacks, said Bubblecow. All of them. Wow. That was 30,000 words of rewrite right there. It takes an editor with cojones to make a call like that. I rolled up my sleeves and did it, reasoning that as I'd paid good money for Bubblecow's advice and experience, I might as well suck it up and follow their counsel. I am very glad indeed that I did. They were right. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is about as much as you could ask of any editor.

Alexander McNabb

The entire edit was extraordinary. The editor's report was detailed and thought provoking, encouraging me to think about my novel in new ways and challenging me to improve my story, and thus the reader's experience. The line edit was invaluable in pointing out where I had scenes with “tell” and too many adverbs. I was very impressed with the editing and I have had Bubblecow edit two of my books and also proofread the first one. I am not yet at the proofreading stage for my second book, but when I am, they will be my editors of choice. I highly recommend them for their professionalism and for their spot-on editing.

Ramona Flightner

I wish to say thank you for all the help and for editing my work. I found your edit very useful and insightful. First, you were able to highlight the structural issues in my work and enabled me refocus it. Second, you identified problems in narrative flow, helping me tighten the work. And third, you pointed out where the work was stronger and equally where it was weaker, serving to strengthen my grip on the entire narrative. Thanks for contributing to making this a success. I feel, through your input, I have been able to link all the chapters into one coherent whole.

Paul Oluikpe

The entire edit was of great value to me since my work needed many grammatical corrections. It could not have been a finished product without them. What I truly love and greatly appreciate is the complete editor's report. I was not expecting such a comprehensive report. Judging by the detailed editor's notes I can tell the meticulous attention to her work and the analytic process it took to make the suggestions she made. I am beyond thrilled that I had BubbleCow edit my novel. Their edit has helped my writing tremendously. I can focus on the aspects of my writing that will polish up my book.

Rose Cazares

I have since been fighting with my manuscript to bring it up to scratch – based on your fabulous suggestions. May I take this opportunity to thank you for the fabulous work that you have done. The report and your comments were immensely valuable. I dreaded your “absolutely brutal” feedback but to be honest, all your comments makes perfect sense and they weren't that brutal after all.

Mike Moreking

Your assault on my adverbs and back story was completely justified and much appreciated. However, the real value of your service springs from your imagination and instincts, and your ability to share them. Imagine, an editor who can show, not just tell.

David Moneypenny

BubbleCow know the fast-changing literary landscape inside out. The experience and contacts they have will improve any writer's chances of either a first publication or improved sales and readership.

Chris Rickaby

BubbleCow is an essential service. Every time a writer self-publishes a poorly edited book it furthers the belief that self-published books are simply amateurish, vanity books. We owe it to other members of our community to make sure that our books are the best they can possibly be.

John Gillum

Thank you for your spot-on advice. You found critical gaps in character development and plot that I had a hard time seeing with my author lenses. The novel shines much better now. I also appreciated your willingness to work with my financial situation. By breaking it up I was able to afford your desperately needed services. I am excited to self publish Origins.

Steve Tandberg

Your edit has allowed me to refine the writing of Brilliant Water further than I could have ever imagined. I can only say, “Thank you. I knew you were the guy for me!” Just amazing, all of your points…”

Jennifer Arfa

I also want to thank you for the excellent service provided with both the edit and the proofread. I have just finished working through the proofreader's notes, and am very happy with the final outcome of my novel.

Jf Lourens

Very many thanks for your report. I feel encouraged to rewrite and you have given me much to think about. Your comments are consistently constructive. May BubbleCow thrive!

Marshall Coombs

The editing was brilliant, you picked up all the plot holes that I was unable to identify, therefore I was able to rework the book to make it flow better.

Sinthiya Sivasothy

Thank you for your efforts. Having never done anything like this before I didn't know what to expect, but I must say I am pleased with the results. I feel your review was well balanced, offering criticism and suggestions where necessary and praise when you felt it was warranted.

Grant Williams

I found the edit and report valuable in its feedback and suggestions. It pointed out both overall issues and specific sections of the text. I found the latter more important as it allowed me to focus on fixing the problems rather than (what I feared) rewriting the whole thing. I don’t necessarily agree with all of the editor’s comments but I find them reasonable and understand why they were made. I would use BubbleCow again.

Thuyen Nguyen

Working with BubbleCow was a terrific experience! They provided overall inputs and detailed edits. Each one was considered and acted upon. I really liked getting both the Editor’s Report and the detailed edits in the text. Most importantly the inputs were made without prejudice and with respect for the integrity of the book. It remained my story and my characters but became stronger as a result of the editing process. The editing fee was worth every penny. This is one company that gives the writer their money’s worth through insightful comments. The lessons learned in this editing process will be carried forward to future books and I looked forward to working with BubbleCow on my next book. Terrify service — thank you!

Jayne Menard

When I finished the first draft of An Illustrated Book of Bad Arguments, I wanted someone to tell me how the prose came across and whether it was cohesive enough to provide value to the book's target audience. BubbleCow did just that. I am grateful for Gary's feedback, which undoubtedly helped improve the book.

Ali Almossawi

Fear. It’s one of the things that can drive a writer insane, not to mention the thought of handing your baby to a complete stranger. I can honestly say that the whole process with BubbleCow went smoothly beyond words. My editor, Gary, was both professional and efficient, editing my novel in around a month. Superb work. After the editing, Gary kept in touch, and has helped me out with the blurb. If I have any questions, it is good to know I have someone who’s been in the industry for years and know what he’s talking about. Recommended.

Anders Dyvik

Personally praise is all well and good but, criticism is where the learning takes place. Learning how to be a better writer. Fred, my editor, gave them both in an encouraging manner. He brought out the shine that lay hidden within my text with good suggestions. I would recommend Bubblecow and their staff particularly Gary and Fred.

Robert Lashley

I would like to thank you so much for such a professional service. I was very nervous sending my first chapter for a sample edit. If I’m honest I expected an email to say, thanks but no thanks. But I didn’t, I was shocked to hear that BubbleCow would edit my work and that they actually thought it was good. With much excitement I sent off my whole manuscript. The comments received were great. Having tracked changes was very useful, it meant I could go through my work and understand what was needed. I had some difficulties that meant I could only spend short times on my work over the following months but the comments were so clear and helpful that it did not matter. I am very pleased to have found BubbleCow and so pleased I made the investment in having my work edited. Thank you again I would certainly recommend you and use you again.

Sally Jarrett

I found the whole BubbleCow organization to be extremely professional and helpful – not to mention affordable compared to other services. It was great working with Fred whose comments were spot on, insightful, and have improved the manuscript 1000%. I will definitely reach out on future projects and recommend BubbleCow to other writers!

Deanna Cabinian

I have sent two manuscripts so far to BubbleCow and have been so pleased with their work I will be sending a third one as soon as I’m done with it. Thorough edits, on point commentaries, total involvement in the work. Highly recommended.

Jorge Torrente

The best thing about my Bubble Cow edit wasn’t what it did for my book, but what it did for me as a writer. Firstly, the editor’s report gave me a very clear insight into the big picture issues and concept. Some of it I already knew on some level, but that really helped confirm my ideas and thoughts. The edits were also spot on. I think I adopted 90% of the suggested changes, and the remaining suggestions gave me some good insights into my writing style. I cannot recommend Bubble Cow highly enough, and I will definitely be using Bubble Cow for my next book. Thanks

Craig Turner

Bubblecow did a good job for me, delivering a copy edit and a proof read. I found the way they delivered the manuscript – as a word doc with tracked changes and comments, particularly helpful. Having access to the documents in my own area on the website was also a big plus. I’d recommend Bubblecow for these services.

Andrew Smith

As an author coach, I have worked with editors in the past on other authors' books. This was the first time I've worked with an editor on my own book. Now I understand the feelings my authors went through when they received back their edits! Although at first, you may feel overwhelmed by all the suggested changes, as you go though and realize how the suggested changes tighten up your writing and make it flow, your overwhelm turns into pleasure at how your book has been improved. They were good suggestions. I probably accepted 85% of them and my editor was willing to discuss a series of edits I had questions on. I had used another content editor prior to submitting to Bubblecow, so I was looking for mostly line edits. However, I was very pleasantly surprised how many suggestions as to direction, structure and overall plot my editor was able to make in addition to the line editing. In the future, I won't bother with the content editor because Bubblecow provides both in the same edit. I definitely recommend their editing services and will use them again when volume two of my trilogy is finished. Happy writing!se you again.

Candace Davenport

This is my first experience with a professional editor, and I’m very pleased with Bubblecow’s work. The edits have been a major help, in-depth and insightful. Some of the stuff identified are things I’d never have found in a million years. It’s worth every penny. What really makes the Bubblecow editor stand out is his personal experience, and how he utilized this to identify details which I overlooked that add gravitas and authenticity to my novel. He dissected the book as a reader and an editor, and these two contrasting perspectives came together to make a much stronger finished product. Thanks to Bubblecow’s staff for an excellent edit and a great experience. I’ll definitely use their team for my next book.

Andrew Clawson

I was very happy with Bubblecow’s services. I pushed them with a tough timeline of under three weeks to get my draft ready before the Christmas period. They met it, and the quality was very high. The feedback was a nice balance of critical and supportive which helped shape what was to become my debut novel – PATHFINDERS – I would have no hesitation in recommending their services in the future, and wish the team continued future success.

Aidan J. Reid

I have used BubbleCow for both proof reading and editing and I think they provide an awesome, affordable service. As a new writer I have found their free online resources invaluable. I have also really appreciated the personal e-mails I have received enquiring about my progress and offering help and advice. For anyone new to this game BubbleCow offers a friendly, client focused service that is both professional and accessible.

Triona Scully

Professional help is essential to the writing process. If you don’t know the standard for doing something or how to get it there your book will fail. The team at Bublecow have written many books and know what it takes to get your book ready to print. The edit for my book cleared up a lot of my mistakes that I wouldn’t of seen. Also the chapter by chapter review gave me areas that I needed to work on. I see the writing process as making a house. You may have a great idea for a house but unless you have experience and the knowledge of building a house you will have lots of problems. BubbleCow is good at building books.

Walter Smith

I have used BubbleCow for proofreading on several of my horror collections and I have found their service extremely accurate and reliable. They go the extra mile in pointing out subtle problems they find along the way that are very helpful. Sometimes they comment on something funny or appealing such as interesting character names that lift my spirit. They not only propose changes they reference the Chicago Manual Writing Style reason they made it. All you need to do once you receive their output is check yes or no to the proposed change and once you reach the end of the document, your finished. Working with someone who edits hard copy, which forces you to make the changes manually in the end only leaves you with an unedited document. Computerized track changes are imperative. I highly recommend BubbleCow to make an author’s work shine.

Billy Wells

Thanks! I shall include a cow-shaped bubble in a future book as a tribute to your work.

Adam Sands

Bubblecow’s copy editing was insightful (“Would cherries be in season? Might be worth checking.”), and it was evident that Gary researched my subject matter, reassuring me that he cared about and engaged with my work. The structural edit tightened the focus of my story, creating a more reader-friendly pace. I would recommend Bubblecow’s highly professional and comprehensive editing service.

Phillip Drown

Painless process, I would recommend the Bubblecow to any writer looking to save the headache of working any other editing service. thank you Joshua Dobbs Author of the book Solo Elite The Great Awakening.

Joshua Dobbs

The developmental edit by Gary Smailes was invaluable. I’ve been drafting this manuscript for 10 years and not only did he highlight issues I had totally missed but he made suggestions to fix them that have now improved the overall story tenfold. I would highly recommend Bubblecow, and I have already sent through a second manuscript for another edit. Well worth every affordable dollar.

Melanie Salter

Bubblecow was a revelation. Sure, I’ve had editing done before, but nothing compares to what Caroline produced; as they say, you only get what you pay for, and the money I spent with Bubblecow was well worth it. The book I sent to them had already been checked by THREE OTHER PROOFREADERS! Yet, when my manuscript came back from Caroline, it was a revelation. Okay, it took over three weeks, and I did ask for editing, but I could see the diligence that had been put into my work by Caroline. I took on board the technical/typo/grammar/timeline comments, and, in all honesty, I feel I now have a tighter, more focused novel. Additionally, the downloads available helped me to produce a much better agent’s letter. The ‘Tag Line’, ‘Elevator pitch’, and the synopsis guidelines alone were priceless. Thank you, Bubblecow. I have another book waiting to off to Bubblecow (Christmas put a hole in my budget), and I just know it will come back much improved. I now look back on my earlier work and cringe. This is a genuine testimonial, and any non-believers are more than welcome to get in touch with me personally. Find me on Google.

Revell Cornell

I thought I had written the world's greatest book. I'm sure this is true of most authors. I debated for quite a while whether or not to send my book to BubbleCow for editing. Having my book read and edited by BubbleCow was one of the best decisions I have made. My experience with them taught me that I was too close to my writing and could not see the many flaws that existed. I hate to admit that BubbleCow improved my manuscript 100%, but they did. They were able to catch silly mistakes as well as glaring errors. BubbleCow's excellent critique was written with sincere kindness and encouragement! The suggestions and excellent edits made by BubbleCow made my book so much better. My money was well spent, and I wouldn't hesitate to submit another manuscript to them. I strongly encourage other authors to do the same.

Joyce Schwartz

The feedback and suggested changes were invaluable. I spent over a year organizing and reworking my material. I felt my ideas were solid, but the book was a choppy read. My editor from bubblecow changed that. When I received the suggested revisions, I sat down and gave it a read-through. It flowed so well, I caught myself lost in my own content! And I thought, Now I've got a book I'm comfortable selling. Thank you bubblecow. You'll definitely be receiving my next book for revisions as well.

David Ihrig

When I opened my novel I was surprised to find that there were around 5,000 edits and suggestions for my story. That's crazy. I never expected so much attention to detail. But it was all the notes that accompanied the edits that really impressed me. Suggestions to make sentences more active. Notes on consistency. Additions to avoid confusion. Even a couple additional paragraphs to help foreshadow events to come. While going through the edits, I started to wonder if the editor knew my book better than I did. All the feedback was great and incredibly helpful, and it turned a story I felt was good into something I could be truly proud of.

Kevin Wolfenberger

The whole process was an invaluable part of taking my story to the next level. The report was detailed and the line edit was very useful. BubbleCow was direct and honest about what worked and what didn’t with my first novel and the advice was good, it made sense. BubbleCow were available before, during and after the edit for help and advice about the next steps. Gary even helped me get in contact with an agent. Overall, I was really satisfied with BubbleCow and if you are thinking about having your novel professionally edited, firstly, do it, secondly seriously consider using BubbleCow. I am glad I did.

Tom Savage

Gary helped focus my writing, remove redundant words, thoughts and sentences, and gave suggestions to flesh out various parts of my story to bring my book up to a higher standard. As a first time writer working on my personal memoir about my journey as an actor in Hollywood and my experience of deciding to run away and join the circus, I can't say enough about how satisfied I am that I chose the professional guiding light of BubbleCow editing. Personal, expert, professional editing service for anyone who is looking for the real deal to edit their book. Worth every penny.

David Figlioli

My advice is this: Look no more if you want a great editor because you've come to the right place. I am not related nor have any affiliation with BubbleCow. I am simply a very happy customer. I love the fact that BubbleCow provided me the best editor/proofreader I've ever had. In fact, their services are so good they are currently finishing up with my third book in my series–The Chronicles of Jamaica–and my editor will also be working on the fourth in three weeks, the fifth, the sixth, the seven, and the eighth will also go through BubbleCow. I could not be any happier. I've had horrible editors that yelled, belittled, died, and left me hanging. One editor even told me that I could not use the word “voodoo” in a book. Good luck to all you authors in need of a good editor, and remember, this is the place you'll find one.

B. J. Ramsey

Thank you BubbleCow for providing me with a comprehensive edit on my first novel, The Virtuoso. From my point-of-view the practical application of SHOW don't TELL was done in a kind and constructive way. Gary's insights and feedback into all aspects of my novel and his experience as the reader have been invaluable in helping me to improve my work to a publishable standard. I would recommend their services to all writers.

Ginny Burges

The reassurance that, yes, my novel needed more work but that it was worth the effort. Caroline combined encouragement with guidance and No Stranger to Death is a better book for her work on it.

Janet O'kane

The feedback I received on my work was incredibly constructive. Plus, Gary is very quick to respond to emails, and has done a wonderful job answering follow-up questions. I highly recommend BubbleCow!

Jen Lysenko

Thank you BubbleCow and thank you Caroline for such an incredible, wonderful edit. I‘ve been looking through it for a few days but tonight, I really started the edits. It's incredible beyond words. I've been through edits with four different publishers for 44 different books(at 3 edits per book) and none of them have compared to the edit I received to my manuscript with BubbleCow.

Jamieson Wolf

What I feared the most when I sent my book in for the editing process would be a return slip saying that I had no talent. With Bubblecow not only did they encourage my efforts in writing but everything that I needed to work on was given with constructive criticism. They pointed out my strengths and my weaknesses and also offered resources to check into to further refine my book. The breakdown of chapters, what was good and what was bad, not only gave me focus but also helped turn my book into something even more amazing than what I previously thought. I am in the finishing process of my final edit and with the help of Bubblecow even I can see an amazing difference between it and the rough draft.

Cody Hutton

BubbleCow was my choice and still is. My writing is not perfect but BC has been with me every step of the way and just maybe, together, we will attain perfection.

Elwin Gardner

I can't say enough how helpful my edit with BubbleCow was with the content of my novel, Ripple. The suggestions and ideas provided led to revisions that are now some of my favorite passages in my book. They were able to “see outside the box” that I was stuck in as I was too attached to my work. And the positive feedback kept my confidence as a writer in tact. Overall, I was given respectful, honest feedback! The edit was done in the time frame that was promised (maybe even a few days early) and the response to my questions was immediate. I will definitely be using BubbleCow for my future work!

L.D. Cedergreen

Thank you so much for the feedback (What worked and what didn't). That alone is so valuable to me. I've never had any training in writing and I'm Belgian so English is not my native language.

Kris Hermans

I have just read through her overview report (haven't looked at the actual notes yet and will do later) and I am really encouraged. The editor tells me where I have parts which detract and which are not strong – but my main voice and, incidentally the one I was more convinced by as a writer, she is full of praise for. I think one of the main things I wanted to check by asking for an edit, was whether what I was writing was actually worth it – and whether there was potential or not. The editor really encouraged me by enthusing about one line of the story and then made the enthusing believable by being honest about the parts that didn't work. That's an insight I would not be able to have as the writer and I appreciate it deeply.

Kate Dibb

BubbleCow's guidance remains the most helpful of all. They have the ability to read your work and come up with a suggestion that leaves you slapping your forehead, thinking “Of course!” Their thoughts have invariably improved my work and needless to say, I shall be Bubblecowing again very soon.

Matthew Watkinson

I was very pleased with your edits. As a general comment, may I say that I was gratified that you allowed me to be myself; rather than trying to force me into someone else's compartment/style/… This, coupled with the encouragement your provided along the way, made the whole experience rather special.

Ian Anderson

I didn't like the thought of some stranger interfering with my book, I was, I admit, a bit precious. However, the process was massively useful – problems were highlighted that I didn't know existed and insightful and creative solutions were offered. I even got praise for the good bits!

Nik Jones